Email Us Pictures of Hardware in Client's Homes Patina and Nickel Plating now available for Bronze items! Examples of Nickel Plated and Patina pieces Individual Animal Pages (not cat or dog) Individual Mythical Animal Pages Link to Terry's Beautiful hand painted cards Pet Pendants, with or without Clickers NEW! Fox Hunt (and Dog and Misc.) Bronze Buttons Horizontal Pet (mostly dog) Pulls Letter Openers (mostly Dog) Dog Wall Mounted Bottle Openers Solo Door Knockers (mostly Dog and Cat) Dog Small Door Knockers / Cabinet Pulls Dog Breed Towel or Curtain Rods Dog Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Holders Horse head items (clickers, etc.) Animal Head Deluxe! Finger Pulls Animal Wall Mounted Bottle Openers Wildlife Animal Small Door Knockers Animal Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Holders You can pay instantly with PayPal by using this link:
$145 ea. Quantity discounts available ($130, $109) -- Two three-dimensional dog heads, hollowed out behind, Brackets extend downward from a pair of heads, which support the 5/8" diameter rod about 1 1/2" from the wall. The round finials make an elegant ending to the rod, and prevents it from pulling out, unless you unscrew the finials, which extend about 1 3/8" beyond each end of the rod. The Swiveling Knocker hangs from the middle of the rod, with a sturdy striker at the bottom, that contacts the strike plate beneath: "bone" shaped, in the case of dogs, and oval for other animals. The height of the full piece varies depending on the Head that is used. They are about 5 1/2" - 6 1/2" high by 5 1/2" wide (14 cm - 16.5 cm x 14 cm). Close up of Knocker and Strike Plate - click to enlarge The pieces are quite substantial and suitable for exterior doors. Oval head screws included. click on choice or scroll down page
$145 ea. Quantity discounts available ($130, $109) -- Two three-dimensional dog heads, hollowed out behind, Brackets extend downward from a pair of heads, which support the 5/8" diameter rod about 1 1/2" from the wall. The round finials make an elegant ending to the rod, and prevents it from pulling out, unless you unscrew the finials, which extend about 1 3/8" beyond each end of the rod. The Swiveling Knocker hangs from the middle of the rod, with a sturdy striker at the bottom, that contacts the strike plate beneath: "bone" shaped, in the case of dogs, and oval for other animals. The height of the full piece varies depending on the Head that is used. They are about 5 1/2" - 6 1/2" high by 5 1/2" wide (14 cm - 16.5 cm x 14 cm). The pieces are quite substantial and suitable for exterior doors. Oval head screws included. To place an order, check our information or you can email us at or call us Toll Free at 1-888-495-1090 Copyright © 2017 Mary Ann Dabritz |